Fashion Conscience

Fashion Conscience

Fashion Conscience

Lots of fairtrade & organic chocolate gifts – you can even make your own chocolate hampers!

Fashion Conscience is one of the best fashion websites we’ve found for sourcing ethically sound clothing and accessories…

Why choose Fashion Conscience?

Fairtrade Bag
If you care about the planet and the people living on it, you also have ethical fashion close to your heart. No one should be forced into slavery or inhumane working conditions in order to make cheap clothes that we only wear a few times.

Unfortunately it’s sometimes hard to find eco-conscious and ethical brands everywhere in the UK, so this is why a website like that is very handy.

They’ve found a lot of great brands from UK and abroad, including some fresh talent from countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Brazil, Canada or USA. Their products are carefully examined and checked to ensure their high ethical standards as well as quality.

Recycling and Upcycling

Fairtrade Dress
Ethics and fair prices for the workers aren’t the only thing that is concerned with. They also feel passionately about textile landfill and carbon footprint issues in the UK, so they’re extremely eager to help and reduce the waste ending up in landfills every year.

Recycling is therefore close to their heart and they are firm believers that clothes should never be simply thrown out but with clever design and hard work they can often be given a new life. Fashion doesn’t have to be fickle and wasteful!

The site is easy to use and navigate and you can easily find the products according to their type, price or brand. You can also check the full ethic information about every product – and the site has also a blog with their own suggestions, news, behind the label interviews.

Visit Fashion Conscience