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About Real Gifts – The Story So Far

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Our background

We’re a team of two friends who decided to set up Real Gifts in order to contribute in our own small way to making the world a slightly better place.

When we were kids the world was a different, divided place of polar opposites. Growing up on either side of the Iron Curtain meant either of us never had the privilege of getting to know all the other cultures the way people do today.

But it also enriched us with a profound sense of curiosity and thirst for knowledge which can only be quenched by trying to bridge the gap between cultures.

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Our balancing act

Yet we are no anthropologists, sociologists or political scientists. As an artist and a journalist we decided to use the best of our skills to create a website which puts together the needs of a modern Western consumer society and those of the developing countries.

There’s no need why these two extremes can’t find some common ground through awareness and cooperation. We can’t kill consumerism, but we can try and make it as conscientious as possible. Which is why we created Real Gifts – to promote everything ethical, organic, eco-friendly, fair trade and sustainable.

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Our focus for Real Gifts

We have special sections for charity gifts, which show how small things will help to make a big difference for people who haven’t been as fortunate as us.

We focus on innovative and inspiring products, which have been produced with the aim of improving the society and paying attention to the sustainability.

We also pay close attention to goods that are tied to developing countries and which promote better working conditions, local employment and fair prices for the workers.

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Making a difference

There is a common ground and common interest between cultures, societies and countries – we all want viable and sustainable living conditions.

We only have one Earth and one life. While not all great leaders care about the future of our world, we can do it ourselves.

We can show we care about the place we leave behind by investing in creative and conscientious people and businesses and the innovative and sustainable products they create.

It’s our ethical buying choices and sustainable life habits that will define the kind of world younger generations will inherit.

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How we make money

While we’d love to do this site for free we need to make a living from it so we can pay our bills while putting the time into it we need to.

But neither of us are a fan of web ads that get in the way of content. So we’ve decided to keep Real Gifts ad free and instead use affiliate links when we link to certain shops or products.

So if you click one of our links that takes you to Amazon if you then buy something there then Amazon will give us a small commission from the sale. It doesn’t cost you anything extra but it helps us to cover our costs and keep the site going.

So we really appreciate your support!

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Honest views

So while we can potentially make money from the affiliate links on our site we only ever link to products we genuinely believe in.

If we review a product we’ll give our honest opinion regardless if we get a commission from a sale or not.

We’ll also try to bring you any kind of discount or offer we can so not only will you be supporting Real Gifts you’ll be saving some money too.

So thanks for getting behind what we’re doing here and we look forward to bringing you lots of cool stuff in the years ahead.